Active surveillance refers to monitoring of early prostate cancer. The aim of active surveillance is to avoid treatment unless the cancer develops to a stage where it may cause harm. In formal comparison studies it has been found to be as good as immediate treatment in terms of survival (the risk of dying of prostate cancer).
In men with Cambridge Prognostic Group (CPG) 1 or CPG2 prostate cancer, active surveillance is a recommended option for managing prostate cancer by the UK National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE). To read about the NICE recommendations and what CPG means, please access the East of England Cancer Alliance website and NICE Guidance Information website – links found on this page (references 1-2.)
The Stratified Cancer Surveillance (STRATCANS) programme has been developed to provide a personalised schedule for monitoring as part of active surveillance. The evidence for this webtool and recommendations comes from the Department of Urology, Cambridge University Hospital and University of Cambridge. The references for this work can be accessed below including outcomes at 3 and 5 years (references 3-6). STRATCANS assumes that men have been counselled using the Cambridge Prognostic Groups and with the Predict Prostate tool.
View a guide on to how to use these for informed decision making and patient counselling (PDF)
STRATCANS tailors the intervals for PSA test, repeat MRI scans and need for repeat biopsies based on the risks of a cancer progressing to a stage where treatment is usually recommended. This is based on the NICE guidelines and defined as reaching a stage of Cambridge Prognostic Group 3 or higher. It also assumes all diagnosis biopsies were using MRI guidance to sample from targets as well as systematic cores and that there is no disease reclassification from a re-biopsy within 1 year of diagnosis. An early repeat (or confirmatory biopsy) is HIGHLY recommended to offer to patients and ensure the disease burden has been well characterised at the start of AS whether or not first biopsies were done using image guidance (see reference 6). This can also reduce the need for further biopsies later in STRATCANS.For information on how to implement and use STRATCANS in clinical practice please view the STRATCANS implementation toolkit (PDF)
Use of the STATCANS webtool is entirely the responsibility of the health care team involved and assumes full counselling and that all the evidence base has been read and understood. This webtool only recommends one possible follow-up strategy and any final decision is with the clinical team as to intervals, schedules, and suitability. An active surveillance programme will vary from patient to patient, depending on their specific circumstances, prognostic group, and other factors. If you are a patient viewing this page, it may also be dependent on which consultant you are under and you must discuss its use with your nurse or doctor.
1. NICE guidelines - Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management
View Guidelines Online
2. East of England prostate cancer guidelines -
View Guidelines Online
3. Gnanapragasam VJ, Barrett T, Thankapannair V, Thurtle D, Rubio-Briones J, Domínguez-Escrig J, Bratt O, Statin P, Muir K, Lophatananon A. Using prognosis to guide inclusion criteria, define standardised endpoints and stratify follow-up in active surveillance. BJU Int. 2019 Nov;124(5):758-767. doi: 10.1111/bju.14800.
View Reference Online
4. Thankapannair V, Keates A, Barrett T, Gnanapragasam VJ. Prospective Implementation and Early Outcomes of a Risk-stratified Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Follow-up Protocol. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2023 Jan 24;49:15-22.
View Reference Online
5. Michael Wang, Jack Vercnocke, Kevin B. Ginsburg, Stephanie Daignault-Newton, Tudor Borza, Alice Semerjian, Vincent J. Gnanapragasam, APPLICATION OF THE STRATCANS CRITERIA TO THE MUSIC AS COHORT: A STEP TOWARDS RISK STRATIFIED ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE, Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, Volume 42, Supplement, 2024, Page S82,
View Reference Online
6. Gnanapragasam VJ, Keates K, Lophatananon A, Thankapannair V. 5-year results of the Stratified Cancer Active Surveillance programme for men with prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2025
View Reference Online
7. Gabb H, Gnanapragasam VJ Value of a confirmatory re-biopsy as part of a modern risk stratified cancer surveillance programme for early prostate cancer. BJUI Compass. 2024 In press
View Reference Online
Please enter the data to derive the optimal follow-up schedule based on individual prognosis and risks.
NICE recommendations for managing early prostate cancer:
The Cancer Alliance “Know Your Options” website
Estimating the personal benefit from treatment versus surveillance:
Predict Prostate website
Video from the East of England Cancer Alliance:
What is active surveillance?
Self-management of PSA results and keeping a record:
TrackMyPSA website